Who Owns Target? Is Target Owned By Walmart? – A Big Retailer History

By Phillip Adcock
Last updated: Jan 8, 2023
Is Target Owned By Walmart

Target has a pretty unique history as a big-time retailer. It started as a humble department store in Minnesota near the border with North Dakota. 

Though they’ve had their share of setbacks over the years, Target still manages to squash them all and come out on top. When Walmart acquired some Target stores, many people wondered:

Is Target Owned By Walmart In 2022?

No, Target is not part of Walmart; it is a separate company named Dayton-Hudson Corporation.

Who Owns Target Stores?

It is a common misperception that Walmart owns Target. Simultaneously, this may significantly contribute to their customer experience inequalities; you already know that their household brand name does not own them. 

Target Corporation owns Target, not Walmart, even though Walmart has bought several corner shops for restoration and use as tiny Walmart stores.

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Who Created Target?

Target was founded in 1962 by the Dayton Company as a family business focusing on retail items. At the time, their objectives were critical to their success. Remember the advertisements when the narrator said, “Expect More, Pay Less?” That’s right; it was them.

It’s a marvel that Target has become customers’ favorite place to visit while they’re away from home because many professionals don’t believe the retail model can work. 

And it’s not due to the design of their business distinctive red roof, but rather to their incredible ‘experience strategy.’ They’re coming up with new methods to make shopping enjoyable again! 

Target is now present throughout the United States, with nearly 2,000 branches across the states, far beyond any suspicion that has arisen before.

When Was Target Founded?

Target, as previously stated, was introduced to the public in 1902.

Dayton enjoyed the concept of traveling West to seek undiscovered retail potential as a young man, so in his twenties, he set sail and journeyed to the country’s midsection.

He landed in this Minneapolis neighborhood, which had evolved into a bustling urban region with a healthy population of young professionals ready for future expansion – precisely what Dayton was looking for in a new market to expand his firm. 

He opened his first Target store in Roseville, Minnesota, in the Denver metro region.

Who Owns Target

What Is Target Known For?

People of all ages and preferences gravitate to Target for shops that bring them the newest trends in home fashion, gadgets, and entertainment from around the country and worldwide. 

Guests may order anytime, anyplace, from the comfort of their living rooms or even at checkout counters in our stores, with only a few clicks or swipes. 

Thousands of Target unique goods are available in addition to prominent national brands, as well as exclusive agreements with leading designers and licensees such as Michael Graves every day and Missoni Home-Fashion & Accessories. Daniel Knauf Project Couture is another.

Slightly under three-fourths (75%) of Americans live within 10 miles (or 16.1 km) of a Target – meaning that the brand has got an easy and fun presence in about as many households as any other store in existence! 

What Companies Are Owned By Walmart?

Walmart owns several businesses worldwide, including ASDA Stores Ltd and the Seiyu Group Supermarket chain in Japan. Walmart still has an ownership stake in both companies, a seat on both boards, and an ongoing business connection with both.

In Conclusion

Target, a Target group company and not Walmart, is a general store specializing in selling a diverse range of products to clients. 

It provides customers with anything from homeware products to clothing and books. People can order these things at any time via telephone or website and visit their storefronts.

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Phillip Adcock is the founder and Managing Director of the research agency Shopping Behaviour Xplained (SBXL), a shopping research organization using psychological consumer insight to explain and help consumers answer their questions about stores and services.

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