Does Walmart Sell Alcohol (liquor, beer, or wine) 2025?

By Phillip Adcock
Last updated: May 1, 2023
Does Walmart Sell Alcohol

Walmart is the second-largest retailer globally, and it has been around since 1962. The chain sells a wide variety of goods, from groceries to clothing. But does Walmart have alcohol? You can find the answer to these questions in this post

Frequently Asked Questions About Alcohol Selling At Walmart 

Does Walmart Sell Alcohol In 2025?

YES, Walmart has stores in 47 states to sell beer, wine, and other drinking supplies, but the selection of alcoholic drinks available will vary depending on where your state is. Customers can purchase beer and wine between 8 am-12 pm during weekdays at most locations nationwide.

When determining if the heavy drink is sold at these stores, one must first know their state’s specific liquor laws. 

If they allow these liquors in supermarkets, they will be available. Therefore, when heading down to the local superstore, check first about whether or not this is permitted by law.

Which Walmart Locations Sell Alcoholic Beverages?

Grocery and beer stores are allowed in most states, meaning you can find these products at the chain.

Some states restrict how much alcohol in the beer that one person can buy at one time, while others have limits on what days and times beer sales are allowed.

In contrast, here are some states where you can find certain alcoholic beverages that you can’t when visiting Walmart Supercenters: Alaska, Delaware, New Jersey, North Dakota, and Rhode Island.

As the sale of distilled spirits becomes more popular, there are many restrictions on where they can be sold. 

Distilled beverages might not be available in your state because it is only approved for specific areas under federal law. Check with local authorities to determine if you live within “approved” zones or districts.

Does Walmart Sell Heavy Beverages On Sundays?

It turns out that the retail outlet sells liquor on Sundays at almost all of their 10,800 stores in America. 

Customers can purchase alcoholic beverages within standard opening hours and often do so near store locations where they are shopping or just enjoy a night out with friends!

It’s worth noting that some Walmart locations in your area have restricted opening hours and a limit on heavy drink sales on Sundays.

Is It Cheaper To Buy Alcohol at Walmart?

Buy Alcohol at Walmart

If the state does not impose liquor prices, the store’s offers will likely be significantly less expensive than those found at many specialized liquor stores.

Because Walmart is a well-established retailer with a vast customer base, less margin pressure and higher volumes can bring profitability – a combination that smaller businesses simply do not have access to.

Hard seltzers are becoming more popular, which allows for simple comparison. Let’s take a look at this!

A regular 12-pack of 12 oz cans, which would sell between $17 and 18 at a local liquor store, would undoubtedly be discovered near the chain, ready to purchase for between 13 and $14 per bottle!

Is Every Brand of Heavy Beverages Available at Walmart?

The brand is making a conscious effort to offer more variety and accessibility for heavy drink brands if your state restricts the selling. 

It has even publicized the enhanced distribution of craft beers at several of its stores, which is fantastic if you’re in a pinch!

Nonetheless, it will be challenging to locate top-tier liquors, rare wines, or tiny amounts of liquor in most stores because of the mainstream retail environment.

What Are The Requirements For Purchasing Alcohol at Walmart?

Like many other retailers, these stores require customers to be equal or above 21 years old and have legitimate state-recognized photo identification to purchase liquor or cigarettes.

The chain has even come up with a novel way to sell liquor. Self-serve kiosks are accessible, but only if the consumer can prove they’re over 40 by presenting identification and checking a box on their register slip to associates.

Can I Get Alcohol Delivered At Walmart?

Yes, this chain delivers alcoholic beverages. If you want them delivered, you must strictly follow these guidelines: 

  • Provide a state-issued identification 
  • Be at least 21 years old
  • Ensure that the person receiving the package is also present at the delivery time. 

When buying liquor at Walmart, the retailer may refuse to deliver your order if you look inebriated. 

They also reserve the right to refuse delivery if they believe any of the contents were provided by someone under 21.


Walmart sells a wide range of alcoholic beverages throughout the US and abroad. Whether you’re looking for beer, wine, or liquor, these shops can provide what you need to have a good time with friends and family. 

Here comes the end of the article. Thank you and see you in our next article!

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Phillip Adcock is the founder and Managing Director of the research agency Shopping Behaviour Xplained (SBXL), a shopping research organization using psychological consumer insight to explain and help consumers answer their questions about stores and services.

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