Can You Buy Stamps At Walgreens? The Complete Guide

By Phillip Adcock
Last updated: May 1, 2023
Does Walgreens Sell Stamps

Walgreens has been in business for more than 100 years and still going strong! The company offers a variety of services and many exciting facts that you might not know.

So you may be wondering, where to purchase stamps?, and can you buy stamps at Walgreen? So, let’s explore everything you wonder about in this article!

Does Walgreens Sell Stamps 2025?

Yes, Walgreens offers a wide variety of stamps worldwide to purchase, and they come in different shapes and sizes. As of 2025, they sell first-class everlasting stamps in booklets of 20 in the office supplies area or over the counter. 

Each booklet costs $11, while single stamps cost 55 cents in particular places. Stamp purchases are credited to your Walgreens Balance Rewards account.

Continue reading if you want to learn more about the several types of stamps sold by Walgreens, the prices of each, and how to earn reward points for savings.

What Type Of Stamps Does Walgreens Sell?

Walgreens sells a variety of stamps and is mainly available at their stores. Besides, they also sell online and through their mail-order catalogs. 

They sell the following types of these items: individual, 4-cent, 5-cent, and 6-cent first-class mail postage.

All Walgreens locations carry first-class everlasting stamps with an image of the American flag. These are the identical stamps available at the United States Postal Service.

Walgreens stamps are guaranteed to be completely valid, so you will never get invalid stamps if you purchase these from here.

How Much Do Stamps Cost At Walgreens?

All shops sell it in booklets of 20 stamps for $11. Unfortunately, if you can’t find the bundles of 20 that they offer, you might be able to buy just one or two. 

You can find specific sizes and single-stamps at your local. Call ahead to ensure there are no shortages before you go out, as they are 55 cents apiece in stores that sell them!

You might also wonder if you have to pay an extra fee if you don’t buy directly from the United States post office. Fortunately, Walgreens sells this item for the same price as those purchased from the post office.

Where In The Store Are Stamps Located?

The answer is Walmart stamp stores are generally housed in the ‘office supplies’ area of shops.

However, they might also be kept near the counter, so you are better off asking the cashier directly for them. If the cashier does not offer them directly to you, they will direct you to the correct section. 

Can You Buy Stamps Online At Walgreens? 

Unfortunately, Walgreens does not deliver to customers. If you want them delivered online or in-store, then be sure to place an order on their website!

Is it possible to earn reward points by purchasing stamps at Walgreens?

If you’re a Walgreens Balance Rewards member, your purchase will still go into your pool if you get a discount from Walgreens. 

When you reach 1000 points with Balance Rewards, you can use the points for $1 off your next purchase.

How Can You Find The Nearest Walgreens To Buy Stamps?

Walgreens store locator
Walgreens store locator

There are 8000+ stores across the country. For over 75% of Americans, there will be a Walgreens located within five miles!

To find the nearest Walgreens store, use the store locator provided by the company.

Here are the steps to finding the nearest Walgreens:

  • Step1: Click this Walgreens store locator website
  • Step 2: Feed your address (or just the zip code) to the site, and it will show you all the stores closest to your location. 
  • Step 3: Remember that location and head to it to buy.

If you wonder whether that store is still open or not, you can contact the customer service call. 

The store locator provides you with information about all local stores so that when it comes time to buy, there will be no waiting around wondering which location has what I need in stock!

If you are looking to buy more items from Walgreens see my posts about getting Amazon Gift Cards at the store, buying postcards with your rewards card, and other creative ways that I find helpful when shopping there!

See Also:

* Disclaimer: We do not buy, sell or provide service, we only share with you our trusted sources, and experience. In case of any changes in the products or services of the companies, all the information below is supposed to change at any time.

Phillip Adcock is the founder and Managing Director of the research agency Shopping Behaviour Xplained (SBXL), a shopping research organization using psychological consumer insight to explain and help consumers answer their questions about stores and services.

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