Finding a post station near a living place is never easy for people who live in a rural area. Or maybe it is too confusing to know which couriers are corporate together in their services.
FedEx & USPS Overview
FedEx and the United States Postal Service each have their own distinct histories. They are also a popular courier to send mail and small parcels domestically and abroad.
FedEx is a global courier firm specializing in same-day delivery and outstanding item tracking. The United States Postal Service, or USPS, is a federal agency and the country’s major postal service.
Can I Drop Off USPS At FedEx?
The answer is No. If you want to drop off a USPS shipment at FedEx and still want USPS to come and pick it up for you, USPS will not assist you with this requirement.
Otherwise, FedEx does not have to deliver parcels intended for USPS, which you mistakenly placed in a FedEx drop box if this is the case.
Continue reading to learn more about the USPS-FedEx connection, including what if you mistakenly place a USPS parcel in a FedEx post and if FedEx ships USPS shipments.
Use FedEx To Ship USPS
A shipment with a USPS label is unlikely to be delivered by FedEx. FedEx is a business with a bottom line, and doing the Postal Service’s work for them won’t make them any money. While the two share some services, they otherwise operate individually.
Furthermore, anyone other than the resident and the postal carrier is prohibited from placing anything inside the mailbox. FedEx drivers aren’t going to be committing federal crimes on a regular basis.
Does USPS Deliver For FedEx?
FedEx SmartPost employs USPS for the final process of delivery but not all the time. FedEx will directly deliver parcels in some cases where FedEx is close to the parcel’s area, and delivery would be simple and quick. Most of the time, SmartPost shipments are delivered by USPS drivers.
However, FedEx did discontinue its SmartPost service in March 2021, therefore ending its collaboration with the USPS.
Can You Use An Usps Box To Ship Via FedEx?

You can do it as long as you make sure all the USPS labels and addresses are removed or recovered. Otherwise, there is no way that the courier will accept the package that still has other competitors’ logos when picking up parcels.
Can You Drop Off A FedEx Package At The Post Office?
Packages can be dropped off at any of our 63,000+ locations. Optional tenders from the United States Postal Service. Customers can return packages to their local post office or postal collection box and put them in their mailbox or on their front porch.
Is It Possible To Return A USPS Package Using FedEx?
Before you put returns in FedEx drop boxes, keep in mind that this only worked when USPS and FedEx corporate together on FedEx Smartpost in the past.
FedEx stopped that aspect of their cooperation and rebuilt their local service to FedEx Ground Economy. Fence Smartpost is no longer viable as of March 2021. That implies that the shipments’ last destinations, the SmartPost hubs, are no longer operational.
As a result, it’s highly possible that FedEx will no longer accept USPS returns or take longer since FedEx will have to send the shipment to USPS in a different manner.
What Is The Cost Difference Between Sending A Basic Letter Through UPS, FedEx, And USPS?
The affordable choice for shipping mail is usually First Class Mail from USPS. The cost of shipping mail or packages is determined by the following factors: dimensions, weight, distance, courier service and delivery speed.
What Services Does The USPS Provide That UPS And FedEx Do Not?
USPS and FedEx all provide low-cost and expedited shipping options. However, USPS offers the most affordable retail delivery options. For example, the United States Postal Service (USPS) delivers a letter after asking for only $1.
Is FedEx More Reliable Than The US Postal Service?
Certainly not. FedEx and UPS packages receive nearly the same level of protection from the USPS. Delivery timeframes with any carrier can vary for a variety of reasons.
Which Is Less Expensive Between FedEx and USPS?
It is determined by a number of factors, including package weight, size, transportation distance, and delivery time. FedEx is normally less expensive than USPS if you’re mailing a more than 3 pounds shipment.

All the given information above will help you learn more about these situations. Consider three essential criteria: speed, affordability, and reliability when evaluating the services.
USPS and FedEx are three of the most popular shipping couriers for domestic and international shipments, but choosing the best suited for your small business can be complicated.
For more information about USPS, you can read our articles on