What Does USPS Available For Pickup Mean?

By Phillip Adcock
Last updated: Jan 8, 2023
What Does Available For Pickup Mean USPS

The USPS tracker tool is a useful aspect of sending and receiving mail, and it includes several messages to assist you in figuring out where your delivery is. Most people get confused about the notifications when using the service.

Especially when they were waiting for it and got a notification but did not understand the message and what to do about it, delivering notifications might be confusing and difficult to comprehend, so it’s reasonable if you’re unsure how to proceed.

What Is USPS Available For Pickup?

The United States Mail Service was among the first genuine home postal systems in the United States, if not the entire globe, and was found two hundred years ago to handle cargo and recovery. The service provides decent quality when compared to others.

USPS provides a safer and more reliable tool with larger, more expensive cargoes. It will require a minimum of 2 days to transport your package, regardless of how much you pay. 

A reliable and precise shipping tracking system is how these companies function quickly, effectively, and responsively. 

What To Do When You Get USPS Available For Pick Up?

The service tends to drop a notification outside your entrance or in your mail advising you of the failed delivery. 

On occasion, the service company may attempt to deliver again, or instead, you arrange a re-attempt yourself. When none of these solutions succeeds, the post office will keep your package, where later you have to come and pick it up.

First, you must locate the accurate address of where your package. Then, visit the service tracking system and input your registered information into it. This platform provides you with the exact position of your shipment and its status. 

Finally, go to the location and pick up your delivery.

Relevant Questions

USPS Available For Pick Up

How Long Should I Have To Pick Up My Package?

One advantage of obtaining an available pickup shipment is that you have total control over when and where to receive it. Nevertheless, it is essential to understand that the postal service will not store your packet permanently.

It will often keep the packet for fifteen days before releasing back to the shipper, so you should pick your goods up within the period.

Why Does My Package Say Available For Pickup?

There are three main reasons. The most typical reason is the package is marked unsuccessful delivery, which happens when a carrier attempts to make a shipment that requires your confirmation signature.

Unfortunately, you could not receive it at the time, and the carrier could not abandon the box at the doorway. Instead, they must return the box to the post office. Occasionally, numerous attempts are performed before they switch the status.

However, when on crowded holidays, the postal service will shift packages to collect more often. Another reason is the delivery is too precious to leave at the front door. 

When sending packages containing valuable jewels and gems or offering a guaranteed refund, retailers may use this alternative if you fail to receive your purchase. 

In any case, this is a solution that demands the postal service keep the goods to prevent them from being damaged or stolen.

The least likely reason is your shipment has been marked because of a technical error. The service processes huge amounts of mail every day, potentially leaving behind some orders.

If the carrier left your shipment back in the office while trying to complete their routine, your package is likely being marked to avoid jamming and postponing your shipment. 

Regardless of why your package becomes a USPS available for pick up without delivery, this solution gives you the ability to decide when and where to collect the shipment while keeping it safe.

How Do I Pick Up A Package From USPS?

After your shipment is marked, the next obvious question is what you have to prepare to get it. The first is to prepare an identification form with your verification code to confirm with the post office before returning the delivery.

Next, go to the nearest office and inform the receptionist that you own a shipment ready for pickup. They will demand only your identification to assist you, but sometimes they may ask for extra information such as the tracking code.


The notification sent to you signifies that the shipment is at the postal office, and you must come and retrieve it. Due to unsuccessful delivery efforts, the package is too precious to leave at the front door or a carrier forgetting about your shipment.

Remember that the postal service won’t keep your shipment forever, normally for fifteen days, before releasing it back. Make sure to take your identifying information and tracking code with you if you need to verify it.

For more information about USPS, you can read our articles on USPS parcel locker, What Does Offer Phase Ext Mean For USPS and What Does Missent Mean USPS.

* Disclaimer: We do not buy, sell or provide service, we only share with you our trusted sources, and experience. In case of any changes in the products or services of the companies, all the information below is supposed to change at any time.

Phillip Adcock is the founder and Managing Director of the research agency Shopping Behaviour Xplained (SBXL), a shopping research organization using psychological consumer insight to explain and help consumers answer their questions about stores and services.

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